7 Windows features that drive you nuts (and how to fix them)

If you’re one of the millions navigating the digital world through a Windows device, you’ve probably stumbled over some hidden tripwires that can trigger various eye-rolls and groans. Today, we’ll peel back the veneer and address the more exasperating Windows features head-on. Whether you’re feeling pestered by pesky notifications or annoyed that your taskbar is […]

Improve your Windows 10 experience with these features

Windows is the most popular operating system in history, but despite its popularity, many users still do not know about all of its functionalities. Here are some Windows 10 features from the latest update that you might have missed. Night light This feature lets you reduce the amount of blue light emitted from your screen, […]

Tips and tricks to master Windows 10

Microsoft’s latest operating system is so full of features that it’s hard to learn them all. After countless hours answering questions and fixing issues related to Windows 10, we’ve put together a list of the most useful apps, settings, and features. See how many of our picks you already know! Night Light This feature lets […]