
Facebook makes space for more relevant posts

Social media has proven to be very influential in shaping people’s lives, affecting everything from one’s mental health to people’s views on certain political parties. To limit this, Facebook has made a decision to limit the posts from business accounts on your News Feed to make room for more meaningful posts shared by your friends […]

Disable Windows 10’s intrusive settings

Windows 10 is undoubtedly Microsoft’s most accepted operating system since Windows XP. But that doesn’t make it faultless, many users have been complaining about the intrusive privacy settings the operating system enables by default. To reclaim your privacy, follow these tips on turning off its intrusive settings Turn personalized advertising off For those unaware, Windows […]

The dangers of distributed spam distraction

Users get around 200 emails in their inbox a day, including work messages, automated payment slips, and everyone’s least favorite email, spam. Spam messages are mostly harmless, but when you get more than 10,000 of them flooding your inbox, you’re probably the victim of a special type of spam attack. Understanding DSD Distributed Spam Distraction […]

Improving healthcare data storage

As more medical practices adopt electronic health records (EHR), running out of digital storage is becoming an increasingly common issue. HIPAA-regulated practices don’t always have the option of cloud solutions, but virtualization is a secure and cost-effective alternative. What is virtualization? There are countless ways for healthcare practices to improve their operations with virtualization, but […]

Fighting ransomware with virtualization

Ransomware takes your data hostage and demands a payment for its recovery. While it may seem like there’s no other choice but to pay the ransom, you should never give in to the hacker’s demands. Before the next wave of ransomware comes around, it’s important to protect your business with virtual disaster recovery solutions. Virtual […]

Is Bing the right search engine for you?

Have you ever tried asking your search engine something to no avail? With many of us facing this problem, Bing has been updated with four new features that give users more thorough answers and enable it to respond to broader search terms. Validating answers using many websites Before the recent update, Bing would answer questions […]

Azure virtual machines get a free upgrade

Virtualization is difficult to understand. The technology itself is complex, and the industry is dominated by vendors that the average business owner has never heard of. Almost everyone knows Microsoft though, and its virtualization platform just got a big speed boost that won’t cost users a thing — if they know how to take advantage […]

Why is Skype’s new feature so important

With more targeted attacks on social networking services than ever, private conversations with your business partners can become public information. To prevent this, Skype has released a new feature that ensures complete privacy by encrypting all types of communication. Here are some of the features. Benefits of using Private Conversations Named ‘Private Conversations’ by Microsoft, […]