BI is for small businesses too

Business Intelligence (BI) has conventionally been the preserve of big business, given the need for specialist knowledge meant hiring pricey experts was often the only way to leverage its value. But the rise of self-service BI tools has leveled the playing field, allowing small- and medium-sized businesses to get in on the game too. And […]

IT Security Policies you need to implement

Most business owners have an employee handbook. But when it comes to the online security of their business, often times this portion is either not adequately addressed, or not addressed at all. However, with cyber crimes an ever increasing threat, and the fact that employee error is one of the most common causes of a […]

Healthcare trends to watch for in 2016

As 2015 came to a close, there are several trends in the healthcare industry that medical researchers and practitioners need to be aware of in 2016. According to PwC Health Research Institute, patients will be on the lookout for better ways to manage their health and medical expenses. Technology is also expected to play a […]